Well today was another sad day in the Kolowich houshold we let go of are last baby boy in our family we have grown our boys hair out since they were bald at birth and not much hair until after a year or so old so we tryed to let each ones hair grow out and one by one we cut each ones hair and at that moment they go from baby boy to little boy even though they look almost a few years older than they are cause they are such big boys well anyway we cried after cutting each ones hair and told ourselfs that we wouldn't cut our next ones hair and again we made the same mistake again and we told ourselfs we would try to wait until keanu was four to cut his but we only made it close to three we got sick of the rats nest and made a spurt of the moment decision to cut his hair so we took him to cookie cutters and had it chopped i kept the ponytail but the rest is history so anyway now we have 3 little birds (boys) and no more babys